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(903) 842-4600  •  1303 W Duval St., Troup, TX 75789

Mon, Tue, Thu  8am - 5pm  •  Wed  7am - 3pm •  Fri, Sat, Sun  Closed

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While we want to try to save every tooth possible, sometimes if the decay or infection is too much, we may need to remove tooth instead.  One of the services that we offer to our patients here at Troup Family Dental is in-house tooth removal including impacted wisdom tooth removal.

Some offices refer all tooth extractions to a specialist for treatment, which can cost you extra time and expense. We are able to remove the vast majority of teeth in our office, which can save you the time, trouble, and cost of going to a specialist. There are still occasions when we may  need to refer you, but most extractions can be done by your trusted dentist in our office.



We understand that the tooth removal process is not a very fun one, and we will do everything we can to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and can even bring in a licensed anesthesiologist for IV sedation to make the procedure much more comfortable. Nitrous oxide takes the edge off, makes you feel less anxious, and much more relaxed!  If you do choose to have IV sedation, it will allow you to still be conscious, but be so relaxed that you may not even remember the procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns about your procedure, please bring them to our attention so that we can address them. Your comfort and happiness are our top priority, so let us know what you need.


Your wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that usually erupt when you are a teenager. Sometimes, there simply isn’t enough room for the teeth to erupt correctly, and the wisdom teeth may grow sideways or become stuck beneath the gums. When this happens, the impacted wisdom teeth put pressure on the rest of your teeth and can become quite painful. Removing the impacted wisdom teeth relieves this pressure.


If your wisdom teeth are healthy, completely erupted, and are correctly positioned, there is no need to remove them; however, if you are experiencing any of the following, call Troup Family Dental for an appointment to find out if your wisdom teeth should be removed:

  • Your wisdom teeth are only partly emerged. This can lead to infections.

  • Your teeth are growing in crooked. Not only is this very uncomfortable, it can weaken your other teeth and cause damage to them.

  • You’ve developed a cyst around a wisdom tooth that hasn’t yet erupted. This can be dangerous to the tissue and bone in the area.



Anesthesia will be used to make you comfortable during the procedure. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or IV sedation may also be used as necessary and may depend on how many teeth need to be removed. Plan ahead and bring someone with you who can drive you home following the procedure.

If the tooth is impacted, a small incision may be made in the gum tissue so that Dr. May can reach the tooth. Special tools will be used to loosen and remove the tooth. If sutures are needed, Dr. May uses stitches that your body naturally absorbs, which saves you from having to return for a second visit to have them removed.

Try to take it easy during your recovery time so that your mouth can heal. Try to avoid touching the area with your finger or tongue, smoking, spitting forcefully or drinking through straws. These actions could dislodge the clot, which could extend your healing time. Take prescribed medications as directed and follow Dr. May’s instructions.

If you have questions about your wisdom teeth or require extractions, please call Troup Family Dental to schedule an appointment!

(903) 842-4600
1303 W Duval St.
Troup, TX 75789

Mon, Tue, Thu  8am - 5pm
Wed  7am - 3pm
Fri, Sat, Sun  Closed

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While we want to try to save every tooth possible, sometimes if the decay or infection is too much, we may need to remove tooth instead.  One of the services that we offer to our patients here at Troup Family Dental is in-house tooth removal including impacted wisdom tooth removal.

Some offices refer all tooth extractions to a specialist for treatment, which can cost you extra time and expense. We are able to remove the vast majority of teeth in our office, which can save you the time, trouble, and cost of going to a specialist. There are still occasions when we may  need to refer you, but most extractions can be done by your trusted dentist in our office.

We understand that the tooth removal process is not a very fun one, and we will do everything we can to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and can even bring in a licensed anesthesiologist for IV sedation to make the procedure much more comfortable. Nitrous oxide takes the edge off, makes you feel less anxious, and much more relaxed!  If you do choose to have IV sedation, it will allow you to still be conscious, but be so relaxed that you may not even remember the procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns about your procedure, please bring them to our attention so that we can address them. Your comfort and happiness are our top priority, so let us know what you need.


Your wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that usually erupt when you are a teenager. Sometimes, there simply isn’t enough room for the teeth to erupt correctly, and the wisdom teeth may grow sideways or become stuck beneath the gums. When this happens, the impacted wisdom teeth put pressure on the rest of your teeth and can become quite painful. Removing the impacted wisdom teeth relieves this pressure.


If your wisdom teeth are healthy, completely erupted, and are correctly positioned, there is no need to remove them; however, if you are experiencing any of the following, call Troup Family Dental for an appointment to find out if your wisdom teeth should be removed:

  • Your wisdom teeth are only partly emerged. This can lead to infections.

  • Your teeth are growing in crooked. Not only is this very uncomfortable, it can weaken your other teeth and cause damage to them.

  • You’ve developed a cyst around a wisdom tooth that hasn’t yet erupted. This can be dangerous to the tissue and bone in the area.



Anesthesia will be used to make you comfortable during the procedure. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or IV sedation may also be used as necessary and may depend on how many teeth need to be removed. Plan ahead and bring someone with you who can drive you home following the procedure.

If the tooth is impacted, a small incision may be made in the gum tissue so that Dr. May can reach the tooth. Special tools will be used to loosen and remove the tooth. If sutures are needed, Dr. May uses stitches that your body naturally absorbs, which saves you from having to return for a second visit to have them removed.

Try to take it easy during your recovery time so that your mouth can heal. Try to avoid touching the area with your finger or tongue, smoking, spitting forcefully or drinking through straws. These actions could dislodge the clot, which could extend your healing time. Take prescribed medications as directed and follow Dr. May’s instructions.

If you have questions about your wisdom teeth or require extractions, please call Troup Family Dental to schedule an appointment!







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